23 Eylül 2006

... And The Grapes of Balaban

The generous land of Barak plateau naturally provides plenty of fruits and crops, like grapes. Do you know that different grape species have distinct sized and coloured leaves? Yes, I know who cares! Unfortunately, people always want their distinct characteristics to be understood by other people. Ok. I respect this, but I guess nature and land consist of some sort of different features too. What a surprise! I think, step by step we can find some additional hints related to similarity between human beings and land (nature). Yes, absolutely every grape has a diffirent personality! Let's see:
Darker green, thinner and smaller leaves for white grapes.

Are these two upper white grapes same kind, what do you say?

And black grapes have thicker, bigger and more figured leaves.
And a little dusted, because the black easily displays dust! However, they are really yummy!

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