21 Eylül 2006

It is just a village by the way ...

This is the land of delicious and colorful pistachios.
This is the land of abundant plateau.
This is the land of touching and stirring folk songs.
This is the center of the Barak Culture and Turkmen.
This is the land has witnessed the living history since the times of Hittites, (Carablus, Karkamis).
Here is the Barak Plateau in Gaziantep, Turkey. And here is one of the important village of Karkamis Province, here is Balaban Köyü (Village).

2 yorum:

Adsız dedi ki...

Very informative and well prepared pages about pistachio. I am the one of the lover pisthachio and I am not able to find informotive on that material.

As I understand you are the producer of pistachio, if it is possible we can exchange our pistachios each other.

I am planning to contact with you soon.

Well done, I apreeciated.

Beyaz Yakalı Seyyah dedi ki...

Grapes look so gorgeus that I would like to visit this village.

Tiryaki family could get many guests very soon:)

and also, it means we will ask Seydimen pistachios when we go to a shop!

Thanks for such a nice blog..

Öne Çıkan Yayın

Barakeli'nde Bir Köy, Seydimen, Hatıralar ve Hikâyeler

"Memleket ve çocukluk, insan hangi yaşa gelirse gelsin ve ne kadar çok mekân değiştirirse değiştirsin, hep yanında taşıdığı şeylerdend...